I know its been really hard, hectic, stressful, and full of dissapointment for you since u been there in UK, you started telling me you miss your family, friends, kimmy, home. We miss YOU too..!! and we believe you can make it through and its all gonna be okay dont you worry. and none of you family and friends gonna forget about you because you are as awesome as someone could ever be. We just wanna let you know we are all here for you and will be always supporting you eventhough we are hundreds of miles apart.
This 1st set of pictures is from Nick. =) Never Give Up Baby..!!
This 2nd set is from John & Jac. =)
From Li Chuen. =) She was busy working during weekdays, but still when u needed her support she's there for you.
This 2 pictures is from Amelia. The second one suites u well. =)
Serrina say " Make your parents PROUD..!!"
This one is from Sharmayne, she's somewhere in Sabah the time she sent me this picture, She's busy but never too busy for you. =)
This one from Sook Yee, I like the photo of you 2. =)
"Brave, Strong and Smart" This one is from down under, sent from Susanna. =)
P.S : Im sorry if the pictures is not really well placed. I really suck at this blog thing. =P
Always & Always.